
The company has been actively involved in the business of executing earth works of nature, cutting, and filling.

Our Project

Let’s build the future with innovation

Bhardwaj Infrastructure has crafted a primary team consisting of highly qualified individuals with a large collective skills capacity to properly oversee civil Engineering and multi-disciplinary projects as well as general Canal, Dem, Railway, Road & Highways, Irrigation, and coal mining project property development projects. This enables us to follow a strong integrated approach in order to ensure quality outcomes. Furthermore, through the grasp of our integrated primary team we work in association with quantity surveyors, civil earthwork and mining, project managers m1d other specialists.

On Going Project

It has been one of our favorite businesses that we are getting along. So, far the company has been tremendously successful in executing earthwork over 5 Cr Cum. The company’s fleet of latest equipment includes Hitachies, Komatsu PC 210. Loaders, Vibro-Rollers, Hywas, Rock Breakers, and TATA Tippers really made way to our success in this field.

Montecarlo Limited

MCL is in process of execution of work of eight lane access controlled expressway from km 50.700 to 77.000 (Masvan to Ganjad Section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the state of Maharashtra on hybrid annuity mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase II-Package XII).

Montecarlo Limited

Construction of Four lane Bangalore Chennai Expressway from Km 156+000 to Km 180+000 (Gudipala to Walajahpet section in the state of Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu) Under Bharatmala on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase-III-Package-I)

Montecarlo Limited

Execution of construction work of STRR west side – NH948A-Balagondapalli Tamil Nadu to Karnataka/Tamil Nadu board from km 144.170 to km 179.936 in the state of Tamil Nadu on hybrid annuity mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana.

Montecarlo Limited

Turnkey Mining work involving Overburden/ Inter burden removal, Excavation and/or Loading of Lignite from mines face and ancillary activities and Combined Work of Transportation and unloading of lignite from mines face to “Lignite Dump Area ” and loading of Lignite from “Lignite Dump Area ” and related ancillary activities like dozing, leveling, compaction & water spraying etc., at Lignite Project, Umarsar Lignite Mines Project, Gujarat.

Montecarlo Limited

Turnkey Mining work involving Overburden/ Inter burden removal, Excavation and/or Loading of Lignite from mines face and ancillary activities and Combined Work of Transportation and unloading of lignite from mines face to “Lignite Dump Area ” and loading of Lignite from “Lignite Dump Area ” and related ancillary activities like dozing, leveling, compaction & water spraying etc., at Lignite Project, Rajmahal Coal Mines Hura “C” OCP, Jharkhand.

Completed Project

It has been one of our favorite businesses that we are getting along. So, far the company has been tremendously successful in executing earthwork over 5 Cr Cum. 

Lower Ganga Canal

Earth Work deeping and widening of parallel Lower Ganga Canal (Lower Ganga Canal, Aligarh, UP- 202001)

Omkareshwar Pipeline

Canal Earth Work Excavation and embankment works excluding construction of dowels @ Ch: 80 to 100 KM for our Omkareshwar Pipeline Projects.

Ahmedabad Ring Road

Repairing and Maintenance of Road from KM 00+000 to KM 76+313 at Ahmedabad Ring Road.

Khed – Sinnar Road

Earth Work at Khed – Sinnar Road Projects (N.H. 50 State of Maharastra)

KBC Canal

KBC Canal for execution of canal work for chainage from 75.00 KM to 77.50KM

KBC Canal

KBC Canal for execution of canal work for chainage from 45.00 KM to 54.90 KM

Service Road

Design and Approval of Barmer – Sanchor – Gujarat Border (up to Gandhav Bridge) Section of NH – 15 to Construction of Service Road in Existing Four Lane from CH. 153.000 to CH. 157.000 Two lane with paved shoulder from CH. 157.000 to CH. 245.505 and Four Lane from CH. 245.505 to CH. 259.300 under NHPD-IV in the state of Rajasthan on Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode.


Construction of Roadbed, Minor & Balance Major Bridges between KM. 45.00 to 74.00 KM in connection with New B.G. Electrified double line in state of Chhattisgarh over South East Central Railway between Karsia- Dharamjayga

Earth Moving Equipment's

Hiring of heavy Earth Moving Equipment’s for removal of Overburden, Raising and Transportation etc. Of salable lignite from Jalalo PIT of Giral lignite mines shiv tehsil, District Barmer (Rajasthan) , (Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited (A Govt. Of Rajasthan)

Work of Construction

Work of Construction of Tresh rack, about 3.46 KM long RCC twin intake barrels of 3.00 m x 3.00 m internal size including excavation in all types of strata . Contract awarded from Water Resource Department, Govt. Of Madhya Pradesh


Renovation of existing Canal lining, construction of C.C. Lining Remodeling & Raising of Canal Banks of Combined Main Canal (CMC) from Chainage 0 to 21 and left Bank Main Canal (CMC) from 958 and construction of Service road over CMC and LBMC of Barna Project Distt. Raisen.

Earthen Dam

Construction of Earthen Dam with puddle trench excavation and filling, filter boulder toe, Pitching, head sluice, waste weir, approach road and all other components of Shyamri Medium Tank Project Unit i H/W

Bhardwaj Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.

Quality is Our Specialty

Bhardwaj Infrastructure has crafted a primary team consisting of highly qualified individuals with large collective skills and capacity to properly oversee civil Engineering and multi- disciplinary projects as well as general Canal, Dem, Railway, Road & Highways, Irrigation, and coal mining project property development projects.

Since 1975

Bhardwaj Infrastructure Private Limited has been incorporated in 9th March, 2011 by Shri Satyanarayan K. Bhardwaj Sole Proprietor of M/s. S. K. Bhardwaj doing Construction Business Since 1975.
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Years of Experience

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No of Projects

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